Archive for February, 2012

28 Feb

Diet on the clock


According to nutritionists, the problems associated with being overweight in the 1-st place with the improperly food. And no wonder, however a furious pace of life, many do not get time for breakfast, satisfied cup of coffee, lunch, as loading-time, and dinner approximately her watch at ten o’clock. How for inexpensive eateries and restaurants, which [...]

27 Feb



Hardy, successfully resisting the disease. He is pessimistic and at the 1-st sign of this disease panics. Prone to depression. In food Capricorn is not fussy. It may therefore be calm and without emotions skip lunch, afternoon green tea and even prefers to fend for crackers, potato or eat the same thing. This and sluggish [...]

27 Feb

Approximately fresh food


Comfortably, I’m losing mass, yes, many of my friends, and my mother in particular, enjoys a diet Duke. Skpeticheski I feel approximately it. Knew some, but I heard that it protein, and I was imagining a diet that relies alone on the consumption of animal protein – beee.. Body, I think, can not stand. But [...]

27 Feb

Dietary in English


British diet has one distinct advantage. If the majority of trendy dietary brings alone a temporary escape from the extra weight, it ensures long-term, “sustainability” harmony. Is not this your dream? Every woman knows what is the basis of any principle of a strict diet – by calorific restriction. Do not argue, it gives the [...]

25 Feb

However to lose weightiness model: Power


The best food in the world – fresh strawberries. So you say, in order to lose weight, you need to eat less, while we definitely clarify – you require to consume fewer calories than you spend. But this raises the question – as many? And how it is generally understood, calculated and monitored? Courageous young [...]

22 Feb



Cocoa diet – a regime for true connoisseurs of tasting who are going to lose weight without depriving yourself loved treat. Chocolate dietary is not alone tasty, but also useful. Currently we will prove it to you. In the contemporary world presently invented a lot of dietary, which are getting harder to find every day. [...]

19 Feb

My favorite dietary CoML – strive to eat less!


I certainly understand that with such a furious pace of life is very difficult to recommend something, but still try. Later reading lots of variant literature, and tried on some different dietary themselves with a negative effect, I came to the conclusion that we need love yourself for who is. And leave it at that. [...]

19 Feb

Regimen Kim Protasov


This, in fact is the very diet, which I’m going to sit. Why her? I To think of it is less severe in psychological terms, there is no limit on meals, which for me is very important, how a complete lack of will power has not allowed me to never see out at least one [...]

18 Feb

The prose of life: it’s time to dietary


Alas, alas, sadly, but sedentary work and sedentary hobby did the dirty deed… Ishnie 15 kg – a disaster! Replace jobs? – But I like it one that involves working with documents and computer.. Change hobby? – But I same to knit, knitting, crocheting, shuttle – no issue, how long however it calms me down [...]

11 Feb

Diet for Weight Loss Regime Malakhova


Regime Malakhov known Russian healer Gennady Malakhov recently presented its unique technique of weight loss. However stated by the author, because of its nutrition plan may be for a short time and easy for the aging body to lose a few extra pounds. According to the author of numerous books and diet on heartiness improvement, [...]

09 Feb

Dietary for a third blood


The 3-rd group of blood is the result of the migration of races. This group is most common among the nomads. Mutation that gave rise to the 3-rd group of blood, due to the influence of climate substitute. People with the 3-rd group of blood is some 20% of the world population. Psychological type of [...]

07 Feb

Knowing his weak will towards sports which quickly


I am 35 years old. All their lives, but rather 14 years, I’m in overweight in different ways – a little diet, a small regular sports. The desire to have a good figure does not leave me for a second, so every time, gaining extra gravity, I started to look for the shortest method to [...]

06 Feb

What you wish is to be happy


Not always a bad mood is comfortably founded: the blues sometimes “just so” – a sign of a lack of vitamins and minerals. Of course, to make up the lack of them can help a exceptional diet. What foods to eat to feel happy? Earlier you start making changes to your regimen, it is good [...]

03 Feb

My diet helps everyone!


It turns out not to eat all three products! As, get your talk, get to the point! I wish to dispel much of rumors some my weight loss. In my mass loss there are no secrets. His way, I am sharing with all and advise! In February 2008, I gave birth to daughter Masha! After [...]

02 Feb

Regime Kim Protasov: to become a gazelle, not skinny cow


A regime designed for 5 week. Her “favorites” – raw vegetables and dairy items. Author regimen promises that in 5 weeks “you lose as much so this is useful to you.” Kim Protasov – Israeli nutritionist. Diet, which he developed, does not limit the quantity fresh food: at least, vegetables and dairy products may eat [...]

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